Recreational Sailing

Recreational  Sailing

General Requirements

Personal Buoyancy must be worn at all times on the slipways, jetties and on the water.

Clothing appropriate to the conditions should be worn.

Participants are requested to help with the launch and recovery of the RIB if used.

All Club equipment used is to be returned clean and boats packed away and secured.

 Individuals participate in the activities entirely at their own risk. BFYC shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner/participant, their skipper, or crew, as a result of their taking part in any sailing activity. The responsibility for an individual’s decision to participate in, or to continue sailing is theirs alone.

Free Sailing

Sailing under a sailors' own volition and competence. The may take place at any time. 

There may or may not be a safety boat on the water.

individuals concerned, should determine if it is safe to sail, considering the weather and their own level of competence and experience. e.g. are you confident that you can recover a capsized boat without assistance, or recover a crew member from the water. If conditions deteriorate are you competent to recover your boat back to shore without assistance? The responsibility for safety for this activity lies entirely with the participants.

If a group of sailors wish to put a Safety Boat on the water they are free to do so, if a competent operator (PBL2) and RIB are available.

However, a support RIB is always on the water on BFYC scheduled race days. Sailors may sail on these days without participating in the racing.

Social Sailing

These are Free Sailing Days with a Safety Boat on the water. Social sailors will be encouraged to provide safety cover. If no competent operator (PBL2) is available, the club will provide a safety boat helm.

Social Sailing days give the opportunity for new and experienced sailors to get out on the water on a non-race day, tide and weather permitting, to practice free sailing. This allows the new sailors to meet, and possibly sail, with more experienced sailors, without the hustle and bustle of the Racing Fleets being on the water.

Sail Coaching / Organised Sailing

These are Instructor / experienced sailor led. They may be Better Sailing coaching sessions or other organised events. They may include, but not be limited to, river cruises, sailing in company, cruising techniques and improving boat handling. will be governed by the BFYC Recreational Sailing Operating Procedures.

 The individual running the sessions, for the purposes of this document will be referred to as the Sailing Coordinator (SC)

Free Sailing, Social Sailing and Sail Coaching days have been scheduled in the 2024 Sailing Calendar

Click for the Recreational Sailing Operating Procedures
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